
Whether you have sensitive skin, require gluten free or vegan products, I utilize three different natural skincare lines to suit your individual needs:

  • Hale and Hush- Award winning sensitive skin care product line. Herbs and botanicals are selected over harsher chemicals, incorporating Nutricosmetics (nutritional components and antioxidants) wherever possible. Hale & Hush products are gluten-free, sulfate-free, paraben-free, and fragrance-free or naturally scented.
  • Shir-Organics- USDA Organic- ShirOrganic products contain all natural, organic ingredients with whole fruits and herbal pulps. Formulated with super-fruits and saturated with phytonutrients, this natural approach hydrates and strengthens skin, stimulates cell regeneration, and protects against damage. The unique bamboo packaging is one-of-a-kind and ecologically friendly.
  • Prana Spaceuticals- Prana SpaCeuticals® believes that it is imperative to follow the laws of nature to enhance the quality of the skin through only the finest, all-natural ingredients found on Earth.